Important Note: EFT is offered here on a good faith basis and is intended to be consistent with Gary Craig’s Official EFT Tutorial. However, the quality of the delivery is the sole responsibility of Bill Jensen.
While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be imperfect and thus it is imperative that you take complete responsibility for your use of it. EFT is gentle and easy to use and has, to date, yielded remarkable results for relieving emotional and physical distress. While, to our knowledge, there have been no distressing side effects reported, this does not mean that you will not discover side effects for yourself. IF YOU DECIDE TO APPLY THESE TECHNIQUES, YOU ARE AGREEING TO TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF and shall not hold Bill Jensen, or anyone else associated with EFT, responsible for any adverse side effects or outcomes.
Bill is not a medical doctor nor a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed therapist/counselor. He does not claim to be any of the above and does not practice medicine. Bill is a mindset coach and human potential trainer, with EFT training. People with medical or serious psychiatric/psychological problems should consult their physician or psychiatrist/psychologist for help with these issues. You are encouraged to share your EFT experience with your doctor or healthcare practitioner.